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The XBOX 360's Power

By Austin Taylor

Man has never ceased to find ways to amuse himself and thanks to his limitless innovation, entertainment has never been the same. Theater plays and operas have been replaced by televisions while mental sports like chess have robots as opponents for players wanting to test their mettle and the limit of their mental capacity.

Gaming has evolved into more interesting format from the simple dice throwing or playing tag into entertaining game plays available in different video game consoles. Ever since video game consoles have landed on the shores of the global market, the term home entertainment has changed drastically.

Of all competing gaming consoles, two stood out being referred as one of the most remarkable units to have been ever created, forever redefining the gaming experience: Sony's Playstation 2 and Microsoft's Xbox. But the question remains unanswered to which game console should be recognized as the top performer and the only way for us to know is to make a thorough comparison of each console's features both good and bad.

To start with, Xbox has a remarkable processing power and graphic capabilities, slightly above compared to what the PS2 has. Aside from that, XBOX is incorporated with a hard drive letting the gamers save their game progress without using additional device required with PS2 in the form of memory cards.

Apart from these features, XBOX possess raw power and has additional features compared to the PS2. One example is being able to rip music from a standard audio cd and use it to customize the soundtrack of some games which have the option to have its soundtrack be modified.

Setting system specs aside, both the XBox and PS2 have multi-player capability. To make it possible, XBOX 360 uses home LAN system while PS2 uses link cable. Playing online can be done with both gaming console but XBOX has an edge since it has an online community called XBOX Live and everything is possible there. If you prefer playing with a group of friends, you can go for Xbox since it is amazing for that purpose.

Always consider the availability of the games you want to play. With this in mind, Xbox is still standing competitive. Xbox games are more inclined towards the adult market and comparing Xbox's latest games to PS2 games, it can be said that the Xbox's graphics are far better.

Other considerations would be the control pads that both provide.The appearance of a control pad may seem trivial but it is actually a significant factor, especially for those people who have a specific preference when it comes to gamepads. Looking at a Xbox controller, it appears to be larger than the PS2 control pad and has more buttons compared to it due to the fact that it is primarily designed to cater to the adult market.

Though Xbox may be more expensive, it has a better quality in terms of performance and has more games directed to the adult market to enjoy.

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