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The Absolute Keys To Evaluating The Perfect Christmas Gift

By Emily Latimer

Have you finished getting all the gift items on your Christmas List yet? How about that "special someone"? Are you going to get them the "same ole' same ole"...just like last year? Well, time is on your side... With a bit of homework on your part you can get them something really special this year. Here are a few tips...

a) Do you remember the Boy Scout motto "Always be prepared"? This works on those camping trips in the woods, but it also works when you are compiling your Christmas List as well. From today moving forward, whenever you are around that "special someone", take note of what they say and do. This is especially true if you happen to go shopping with them. They will often give you hints and clues as to what they would like to receive for Christmas. Such as:

"Hmmm...what a great idea".

"If only I could afford this".

"I'd like it better if it was in green".

Remember to write these comments down when you get a free minute. Comments such as these are gold mines for great gift giving...

b) What does that "special someone" like to do in their spare time? Do they have a particular hobby or pastime that consumes them? If they happen to have a favorite sports team, enjoy crafts, or like to spend their time with some other pursuit, there is often some great little gift that you can get them to help them out with this endeavor. Ah, but what is that gift? Even if you don't know anything about their hobby or pastime, there is somebody out there who does. You just need to do a little research. Why not call up your local hobby shop, or post a question on an internet forum, asking "what would be a great gift for someone who likes to ". People will be more than helpful to help you get that perfect gift for someone who shares the same passion as they do.

c) Friends can be a literal goldmine of information on that "special someone". Ask their closest friends for gift giving suggestions...but before you do, have some gift giving suggestions of your own. If you ask them directly they will often draw a blank, but by having a few suggestions of your own you can "jog their memory" a bit. It might be a good idea to bring along some photos or pictures of what you were thinking of getting. Why not cut out some pictures from an old catalog? The key is to "jog their memory"...they might have that perfect gift idea lurking in the back of their mind somewhere....

These three ideas should help to get you started on this year's Christmas List. If you would like more details, or to learn about the "Hot Items" for Christmas this year, check out the blog:

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